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Become a JC member

What is a JC member?

Justice Committee members are people of color impacted by police and state violence that believe in the organizations mission and vision, and do what they can to make our collective vision of the world a reality.  JC members believe in making the impossible possible using any and all tactics at our disposal. There are a variety of roles members can choose to play in the organization including leadership, educational, and support roles.  JC members identify the organizations priorities, programs, and strategies.  We would not exist or be able to do the work we do without the support and leadership of members. 

Member Commitment

All Justice Committee members agree to attend at least one organizational meeting, event, action or activity a month. 

How to become a JC Member

There are 2 easy steps to becoming a JC member:

  1. Fill out the membership form below.

  2. Attend our new member orientation or have a one on one introductory conversation with a JC staff member or leader.

Take the first step toward becoming a
JC member

Our Mission

The Justice Committee (JC) is a grassroots organization dedicated to building a movement against police violence and systemic racism in New York City and empowering low-income Latine and other people of color to address these issues. Recognizing that true power can only be exercised by unified communities we prioritize developing the leadership of both youth and elders and strive to make our organizing a multi-generational effort. By building solidarity with other anti-racist, immigrant and people of color-led organizations, we seek to contribute to a broad-based movement for social justice.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways members can help a few examples include:

Check all the areas you're intersted in:

Tell us about yourself

As a small organization with limited resources we heavily rely on pooling our collective skills to move our work forward. There are many many different ways to contribute. Tell us a bit about what your most interested in doing and if there are any particular skills or experience that you would like to share with us.

Thank you for filling out the membership form. We will contact you soon to schedule your orientation.


The JC is a prime example of member driven organizing. They have been an asset to the Latino community in New York for many years. As a member I am proud to be part of the overall social justice movement, but more specifically working  closely alongside an organization that holds a legacy of social justice work. The JC has been a phenomenal guide to building a personal voice as a New Yorker and Latino against oppressive institutions.

- Juan Aguirre, 


Cop Watch Subway Series

I'm a JC member because I want to be part of an organization , a family, that works against police brutality/systemic oppression and for community power. As a Puerto Rican women, it means a lot to me that Young Lord Ritch Perez was instrumental in the org's manifestation, work, and vision. I joined because I was moved by the fact that JC worked closely with the families of people who have been murdered by police with the intent to create change while focusing on what the families want. That's why I'm on the families support team, which is what I enjoy most about being a member- getting to know people who've been through traumatic events by the hands of the state, and choose every day to push back and demand justice/accountability. It's an honor to not only offer up my time and skills for them, but to meet other folks in my city and community committed to the same work.


- Francis Perez - Rodriguez, Member 

Volunteer opportunties
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