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JC Team

Recommendation to Fire Pantaleo is Right, But Not Enough; De Blasio Must Fire ALL Officers

Updated: Aug 6, 2019

In response to the NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Trials Rosemarie Maldonado’s recommendation the NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo be fired, the Justice Committee issues the following statement from Co-Director Loyda Colon:

In recommending that NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo be fired, Deputy Commissioner of Trials Rosemarie Maldonado made the only just decision possible after presiding over Pantaleo’s disciplinary trial. The evidence has been clear to the whole world since day one, thanks to video taken by brave witnesses: Pantaleo, along with multiple other officers, illegally and violently caused Eric Garner’s death on July 17, 2014.

We demand that Mayor de Blasio immediately ensures that NYPD Commissioner O’Neill acts on Maldonado’s recommendation and fires Pantaleo without access to his pension or a “good guy” letter that would allow him to carry a weapon.

This, however, is far from enough. A half a decade later, Garner’s family and the NYC public have heard nothing when it comes to a disciplinary trial for Sgt. Kizzy Adonis – the only other officer involved in Garner's murder who is currently facing disciplinary charges. Officer Justin D’Amico, who lied on official reports and falsely charged Garner with a felony after he was already dead, has not been charged. Lt. Christopher Bannon, who texted “not a big deal” when he found out Garner might be DOA, has not been charged. Officers Ramos and Furlani, who testified that they heard Garner say he couldn't breathe and stood by and did nothing to stop the violence against him, as well as multiple other officers who either participated or allowed it to happen, have not been charged.

This is unacceptable and part of the de Blasio administration and NYPD’s pattern of shielding abusive officers. De Blasio consistently attempts to talk a good game when it comes to police accountability, yet time and time again he’s actions speak much louder than his lies: the years of delays, lies, and protecting abusive officers have amounted to nothing less that torture for Eric Garner’s mother and family.

We demand Mayor de Blasio take immediate action to ensure all officers who participated in Garner’s murder and the subsequent cover-up be fired.


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