Special Prosecutor
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Executive Order 2015
In 2015 NYC families that have lost loved ones to police that work with Justice Committee together with the Coalition for Police Reform (CPR) got NY Governor Cuomo to sign an executive order (EO) appointing the Attorney General special prosecutor for police killings and deaths in custody. Once signed we began to work on a bill that was stronger than the EO and permanent.

The challenges
Over the years, Cuomo was one of the most consistent obstacles to us and the movement being able to get these strong police accountability laws on the books.
In fact, year after year we have had to fight against Cuomo's attempts to water down and undermine the special prosecutor legislation we won this week.
On 50a repeal, you never lifted a finger to help in the years we have fought for repeal.

Law passed 2020
In June 2020, after years of trips to Albany, press conferences, and protest, the state legislature under enormous pressure
passed our bill. The Attorney general is now the special prosecutor for all police killings (armed and unarmed), and deaths in custody.
The bill also centralizes the prosecution of police officer in one location as oppose to five. This allows us to better support grieving families that are forced to navigate the legal system.

The winning team
This victory was made possible by the joint leadership of NYC families that have loss loved ones to the police, Justice Committee, and our dope coalition, communities united for police reform (CPR) and the Safer NY Act Coalition.